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The Secret of Deliberate Creation - Dr. Robert Anthony

Dr. Robert Anthony has been acknowledged as the inspiration behind THE SECRET. His CD program, The Secret of Deliberate Creation, is a true gem, the "missing puzzle piece to the Think and Grow Rich formula."
This program comes as a six CD box set, along with a treasure of precious bonuses; 9 ebooks written by Dr. Robert Anthony, a great software program, "The Intention Activator" that you can run on your computer while working to stay aware and reminded of your goals; and a Quick Start Program with a powerful manifestation meditation called Rapid Manifestation. The Quick Start Program claims to guarantee results in a couple of days, so you should be able to attract the entire cost for the program back almost immediately.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation I am always a little skeptical if a self-growth program guarantees results. After all, results depend on how we use the program (or if we use it) and how we put it into action. However, this guarantee was tempting and I was curious as well, I felt that I would love the program and had to order it.

As soon as I received my package, I couldn't wait to see what the Quick Start program was all about, and I couldn't wait to start to apply it. No, I am not going to reveal it here. I don't want to take the surprise away from you. But I can honestly say that the claim is true. It works! And it is fun. Not only did I make my money back, but within 5 days I made ten times the money back that I had invested in the program - with ease and fun. One piece of advice: when you get the program, please follow the instructions exactly, and do not put your curiosity in control, although the inner child will want to have all sweeties at once. Ooops, didn't mean to tease you...

The CDs are built-up lessons explaining Quantum Physics, how to make the Law of Attraction work for you instead of against you, how you can stop to unconsciously attracting negative things and start to deliberately attract what you desire, how to break free from the negativity of the collective consciousness of unhappy souls, how to use your inner guidance system, how to flip a switch that washes away negative attraction, how to work with your essential silent partner or higher self, the difference between mind-set and heart-set, how to allow receiving instead of resisting and becoming a magnet to abundance, how to eliminate self-sabotage, and the ultimate secret to deliberately create anything you desire.

The program is a complete course and nothing is left out. You can listen to the CDs over and over again and always find something new. I made notes of the essentials when I went through it the first time, listening to one lesson per day. And after that I started again, just listening. And after that I love to let the CDs just play in the background while I am doing work or anything else, so it can sink into my every atom. Listening to Dr. Robert Anthony is refreshing and his humor is contagious. The way he explains everything is well grounded, plain and clear yet powerful, inspiring crystal clear insights.

If you follow this program it is impossible not to experience profound changes. It covers everything in a loving and transforming manner. A true jewel and highly recommended.

Dr. Robert Anthony's latest program is called Rich Mind Life Strategy. I haven't had a chance to review it yet, so I can't write much at this time. When I have used it, I will update this site and add an extra review. However, you may want to check it out here:

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